Amongst women, you must’ve seen many deal with PCOD and talk about irregular or heavy periods, darkening of skin, weight gain and acne as well. PCOD isn’t easy to deal with because it not just impacts the physical health but also mental health but your PCOD self help routine could regulate and relax some of these harsh traits of PCOD.
PCOD, also called polycystic ovarian disease, is a hormonal disorder with formation of numerous cysts, irregular menstrual cycles and the production of male hormones. The production of immature or partially mature eggs leads to the formation of cysts in ovaries. The symptoms of PCOD includes - acne, weight gain, unpredictable menstrual cycles, heavy periods, skin pigmentation, hair loss, hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance and slight complications in fertility.
Stress, emotional distress and anxiety are accompaniments of PCOD. Usually, an unhealthy lifestyle with no diet control and bare minimum physical activity are to blame for PCOD but it could also be because of genetics. PCOD has fewer complications and milder symptoms compared to PCOS, making it manageable with a PCOD self care treatment.
PCOD self care might not cure the disorder altogether but help to ease and soothe the symptoms. Hormonal regulation, insulin sensitivity, weight management, stress reduction, body positivity and menstrual regularity could be promoted with self care. Dealing with a problem like this, the body and mind require extra care and handling. You require a PCOD self care diet plan that is healthy enough to ensure that the right nutrition is obtained by your body which also manages your weight. Getting pregnant with PCOD is possible too but with consistent checkups, nourishing lifestyle and sometimes medications as well.
There are a plethora of PCOD self help techniques that can help you manage your health and well-being just by reorganising your lifestyle -
Polycystic ovarian disease, a common disorder amongst females continues to trouble their menstrual cycles and lifestyle. It can be physically draining and mentally distressing to live with PCOD and to make your everyday a little better, there is a wholesome PCOD self care treatment that you can ensure for yourself. Improve your overall diet, follow herbal remedies and acupuncture therapies, reduce stress, work out regularly and value a healthy bedtime routine to give the best to your reproductive health!
PCOD or polycystic ovarian disease affects reproductive women with multiple cysts forming in the ovaries due to production of immature or partially mature eggs. It usually happens because of unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle and even genetics. Symptoms such as acne, weight gain, irregular menstrual cycles and hormonal imbalance take place due to PCOD.
There has been a link made between stress and PCOD where it can lead to the development of PCOD and worsening symptoms in those who already have it. Stress promotes insulin resistance, weight gain, menstrual irregularities and sleep disturbance, all of which affect PCOD. Meditation, mindfulness, journaling and working out help to reduce stress.
Stress undeniably contributes to PCOD but other than that there are body image insecurities due to weight gain and the overall quality of life gets disrupted too with your body dealing with multiple symptoms at once.
Proper sleep is important amongst women who have PCOD because it improves insulin sensitivity, regulates hormones, decreases stress, ensures metabolic health, maintains weight and assists menstrual regularity. Healthy sleeping habits include limiting caffeine, having a relaxed bedtime routine, not eating before sleep, having a scheduled sleep routine, engaging in physical activity and limiting screen time before bed.