15 super healthy foods to eat everyday
Team Gabit
11 months ago | 8 mins

15 super healthy foods to eat everyday

Explore a list of 15 superfoods that should be a part of your daily diet for optimal health. Check our guide and add these superfoods in your diet now!

Let's talk about our all-time favourite foods—the ones that instantly come to mind and make our taste buds dance. Whether it's the ultimate cheesy pasta, crispy fried delights swimming in oil, a memorable burger from a random spot, or that irresistible chocolate mousse etched in our memory. These comfort foods often boast a lineup of unhealthy fats, simple carbs, and processed sugars. But, what if we take a moment to rethink our choices and embark on a journey towards a healthier lifestyle?

Amid the plethora of healthy foods to eat, this blog won't be a sermon on what you should or shouldn't eat; instead, it's a guide to introduce you to alternatives that can nourish both your body and mind. Let's explore options that can keep us on the right track in our daily culinary adventures. Nutrient-packed superfoods are a rich wellspring of essential elements that our bodies thrive on. These culinary powerhouses deliver crucial nutrients, minerals, antioxidants, and a myriad of other advantages crucial for maintaining a robust and healthy body. 

Moreover, cultivating healthy eating habits not only provides nourishment but also diminishes the likelihood of encountering issues like high blood pressure, heart complications, diabetes, and certain types of cancers. Each of these superfoods carries distinct benefits, contributing to our overall well-being.

15 healthiest foods to eat everyday


Berries contribute significantly to meeting essential nutrient needs. A 2015 study suggests that a 100-gram serving of raspberries, blackberries, or blueberries could fulfil over 50% of daily requirements for manganese, vitamin C, folate, and beneficial phytochemicals. They are exceptional sources of bioactive compounds, such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, and anthocyanins, known for antioxidant properties.

know healthy foods to eat everyday


Apples are potent sources of antioxidants, including polyphenols, flavonoids, and vitamin C. The skin, holding two to six times the antioxidant activity compared to the flesh, is crucial for unlocking their full health benefits. Diverse apple varieties ensure a balance of antioxidant agents.

know healthy foods to eat everyday

Leafy greens

Cruciferous vegetables contain sulfurous compounds known as glucosinolates, contributing significantly to overall health. A 2020 review suggests glucosinolates play a role in regulating cell pathways and genes, potentially exerting anticancer and anti-inflammatory effects. Include broccoli, cabbage, radish, cauliflower, broccoli sprouts, and Brussels sprouts for added fiber and essential vitamins and minerals.

know healthy foods to eat everyday

Whole grains

Seamlessly integrate healthy foods to eat every day by incorporating whole grains like whole wheat flour, rye, oatmeal, barley, amaranth, quinoa, or a multigrain blend into your daily meals. Elevate your nutritional intake as a good source of dietary fiber contains 3 to 4 grams per serving, while an excellent source ensures 5 or more grams of fiber per serving. Explore the world of wholesome options and make whole grains a consistent part of your daily culinary experience for a healthier lifestyle.

know healthy foods to eat everyday

Beans and lentils

Make an effort to include a bean-based meal in your weekly routine, aiming for at least one instance. Integrate legumes, such as beans and lentils, into soups, stews, casseroles, salads, and dips for enhanced flavour and health benefits.

know healthy foods to eat everyday

Flaxseed, nuts, and seeds

Enhance your daily nutrition by incorporating 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed or other seeds into your meals. Alternatively, enjoy a moderate amount of nuts—around 1/4 cup—as part of your daily diet, introducing a delightful crunch and essential nutrients. Explore the diverse world of foods to eat every day and savor the health benefits they bring to your plate.

know healthy foods to eat everyday

Organic yogurt

For individuals aged 19 to 50, a daily calcium intake of 1000 milligrams is recommended, increasing to 1200 milligrams for those aged 50 or older. Ensure you meet this requirement by including calcium-rich foods like non-fat or low-fat dairy products three to four times a day. Opt for organic choices to maximise nutritional benefits.

know healthy foods to eat everyday


Delight in nutrient-rich and healthy foods to eat every day with eggs. Eggs provide high-quality vegetarian protein with 70 calories and 6 grams of protein per egg. Egg yolks contain lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants associated with a reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration and potential skin protection from UV damage.

know healthy foods to eat everyday


A versatile addition, half an avocado offers 29 milligrams of magnesium and 6.8 grams of fiber, contributing to heart health. A diverse selection of avocados in your diet helps balance antioxidant agents and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

know healthy foods to eat everyday

Citrus fruits

Rich in fiber and vitamin C, citrus fruits like grapefruit, oranges, lemons, and limes are low in calories and high in water. Regular consumption may reduce the risk of macular degeneration, emphasizing their potential protective effects on eye health.

know healthy foods to eat everyday


Regular tea consumption is linked to various health benefits, including a potential reduction in the risk of Alzheimer's, diabetes, and certain cancers. Choose freshly brewed tea to maximize the potency of flavonoids, and if storing cold tea, add a splash of lemon juice to preserve these antioxidants.

know healthy foods to eat everyday

Olive oil

A nutritional powerhouse, olive oil provides vitamin E, polyphenols, and monounsaturated fatty acids, significantly reducing the risk of heart disease.

know healthy foods to eat everyday


Tomatoes, hailed as superfoods, are not only delicious but also offer a myriad of health benefits, establishing them as one of the best healthy foods to eat every day. Rich in vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, tomatoes contribute to a robust immune system, promoting overall well-being. Furthermore, they contain lycopene, a carotenoid renowned for its potential to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, making tomatoes a valuable addition to a daily diet.

Tomatoes also provide potassium, supporting heart health by helping regulate blood pressure. Their versatility makes them easy to incorporate into meals—whether in salads, sauces, or as a snack. Including tomatoes in your daily diet not only adds a burst of flavor but also delivers a nutrient-packed punch, solidifying their status as one of the best healthy foods to eat every day.

know healthy foods to eat everyday


A healthy and tasty addition to salads and savory dishes, garlic contains allicin with antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. Nutrients in garlic may contribute to reducing the risk of both cancer and cardiovascular disease.

know healthy foods to eat everyday

Apple cider vinegar

While more evidence is needed, apple cider vinegar shows promise in regulating post-meal blood sugar levels when consumed with a meal. Its versatility makes it an excellent choice as a salad dressing or to enhance the flavour of various meals.

Some tips on foods to eat every day 

  1. Fruit and veg intake
    • Aim for at least 5 portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables daily.
    • Fresh, frozen, canned, dried, or juiced options all contribute to your daily intake.
  2. Incorporate fish, especially oily fish
    • Consume at least 2 portions of fish weekly, with one being oily fish.
    • Oily fish like salmon and trout provide omega-3 fats, beneficial for heart health.
  3. Limit saturated fat and sugar intake
    • Limit saturated fat to reduce cholesterol levels (men: 30g/day, women: 20g/day).
    • Be mindful of added sugars; high intake can lead to obesity and tooth decay.
  4. Moderate salt intake
    • Adults should consume no more than 6g of salt daily to maintain healthy blood pressure.
    • Check food labels for salt content, especially in processed foods.
  5. Stay hydrated
    • Drink 6 to 8 glasses of fluids daily, including water, lower fat milk, and low-sugar drinks.
    • Limit sugary and fizzy drinks, and be cautious with fruit juices and smoothies due to their sugar content.
  6. Don't skip breakfast
    • Enjoy a balanced breakfast high in fiber, low in fat, sugar, and salt for essential nutrients.
    • Whole grain cereal with semi-skimmed milk and fruit is a healthy and tasty option.

In summary, cultivating a daily menu anchored in these 15 wholesome foods is a strategic approach to fortifying overall well-being. Berries, celebrated for their antioxidant-rich profile, and apples, rich in vital polyphenols and fiber, showcase the nutritional prowess embedded in fruits. The incorporation of cruciferous vegetables, recognised for glucosinolates and diverse nutrients, highlights their crucial role in advancing health. 

Embracing whole grains not only ensures an essential fiber intake but also contributes to a comprehensive nutritional balance. Alongside nutrient-dense options like beans, lentils, flaxseed, nuts, and seeds, these foods present versatile and delectable choices for sustaining a well-rounded diet. The addition of organic yogurt imparts calcium and bolsters overall health. Eggs, a protein powerhouse coupled with antioxidants, harmonise with the diverse array of nutrient-rich selections. Avocado, distinguished for its magnesium, fiber, and heart-healthy fats, introduces a flavourful dimension. 

Citrus fruits, providing fiber and vitamin C, play a pivotal role in promoting eye health. Tea, a rich source of flavonoids, and olive oil, abundant in vitamin E and monounsaturated fats, actively contribute to a heart-healthy lifestyle. Tomatoes, garlic, and apple cider vinegar each bring unique benefits, from cancer-fighting properties to potential blood sugar regulation. 

Essentially, these 15 foods not only tantalize our taste buds but lay the cornerstone for a robust, nourished life, offering a daily answer to the age-old question—what should I eat every day to stay healthy? 

Frequently Asked Questions – 

What makes a food "super healthy"? 

Super healthy foods are those packed with essential nutrients, antioxidants, and beneficial compounds vital for overall well-being. They contribute to a balanced diet, offering a range of vitamins, minerals, and health-promoting elements.

Can I eat these foods in any quantity because they are healthy? 

While these super healthy foods are nutritionally dense, moderation is key. Eating a variety of foods in appropriate portions ensures a well-rounded and balanced diet, preventing excessive calorie intake.

Are there easy recipes that include several of these super healthy foods? 

Absolutely! Incorporating multiple super healthy foods into delicious recipes is easy. Consider options like a vibrant salad with leafy greens, berries, nuts, and a citrusy dressing or a hearty grain bowl featuring whole grains, beans, and an assortment of veggies.

Are there any risks of eating the same foods every day? 

While these foods offer numerous health benefits, consuming a diverse range of nutrients is essential. Over-reliance on specific foods may lead to nutrient imbalances. Variety in diet ensures a broader spectrum of essential nutrients.

Are these super healthy foods kid-friendly? 

Yes, many of these super healthy foods can be kid-friendly with creative presentations. Berries, apples, whole grains, and yogurt can be incorporated into child-friendly snacks or meals, making healthy eating enjoyable for kids.

What are some tips for storing these foods to retain their nutrients? 

To retain maximum nutrients, store fruits and vegetables in a cool, dark place or refrigerate as needed. Use airtight containers for nuts and seeds, and be mindful of cooking methods to preserve the nutritional value of these super healthy foods.

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